Thank you. I will go to the website to have a look. If I am lucky enough and find a one, I will treat you with a nice dinner at any place, you name it. However, it will be much nicer if you can actually find a one for me. Then I will treat you with a week of dinner. How does it sound?
Thank you for your attention to my post. However I can't completely agree with you on what you said.
在国内, 年薪10W 美圆的也比比皆是.
in China, those who make more than $100,000 a year are most likely married. So the only chance you want to hang on with them is to become theri Er Nai. Is that something you are talking about? how many singles are making more than that amount of money?
Then why more college graduates went abroad each year?
原帖由 OopsWrongPlace2 于 2006-6-8 13:48 发表
I have to make it clear one more time that I really don't want to show off my English level. In the past, many people asked me the same question, why couldn't I write in CHinese since I am a Chin ...
Thank you, 露天洗澡 ( by your name, it is obvious that you are a man since girls don't 洗澡 in 露天, I think! :) ). I don't mind if I go to an afternoon tea with a man or woman. But I respect your decision.
Again, thanks
happy valentine's day,i see you are onlineGOOD LUCK!
Happy Valentines to you too. Am I the first one who greeted you on the official Valentine's Day today ? :)
Wish you found your happiness today. Remember Valentine's Day is not just for your boyfriend/girlfriend or spouse, it also include your parents and many others.
By the way, it is my lunch time, sure I am online. Beijing Time is 13 hours ahead of New York Time.
Happy Valentines to you too. Am I the first one who greeted you on the official Valentine's Day today ? :)
Wish you found your happiness today. Remember Valentine's Day is not just for your ...
Thanks Oops~ i never forget my mother on this day,because my mum's birthday is 2.14 it's true~!
i'm reading your poster <Happy Valentine's Day -- 6 tips on dating>in ET just now,actually it is a little hard to me to understand,anyway i'll review it tomorrow(today?) by 金山词霸
now i have to go to bed,good night
Thanks Oops~ i never forget my mother on this day,because my mum's birthday is 2.14 it's true~!
i'm reading your poster <Happy Valentine's Day -- 6 tips on dating>in ET just now,actu ...
have you learnt anything from the "6 tips"? hope it is easy for you to apply the tips to your daily life. Remember once you use these tips and get a nice date, don't forget to share some candies with us.
原帖由 stella2005 于 2007-2-14 10:48 发表
Thanks, Stella. Do you think she will appear today ? I just don't see the possibility.
How about you, have you got your Valentine today ? If not, can you be my Valentine ? :)