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大众第六代高尔夫GTI:Volkswagen GOLF GTI '2010

发表于 2008-9-28 07:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

尽管车系旗舰的名号已被Golf R32所取代,但无人能否认Golf GTI在高性能揭背车上的经典地位。自1976年第一代Golf GTI问世以来,跨越32年的五代GTI车型,在全球创造出合共170万辆的销售成绩,同时也奠定GTI在车坛的地位。随着第六代Golf车系的面世,Volkswagen也将在下个月的巴黎车展上为全新第六代Golf GTI进行揭幕。2010款Golf GTI搭载经重新调校的2.0TSI直四涡轮增压引擎,最大马力210ps,最大扭力280Nm@1,800rpm;传动系统提供六前速手动波箱和七前速DSG双离合波箱,FF驱动布局;0-100km/h加速7.2秒,极速238km/h;百公里平均油耗7.52升。

为延续GTI原创的核心价值,第六代Golf GTI兼赋动感、造型与实用机能。前支柱式、后多连杆的悬挂系统在Golf GTI身上会得到加强,弹簧圈、减震筒和防倾杆等多处皆是GTI进行强化的部件。ACC主动式底盘控制系统,也首度被列为GTI车系的选配装备:Comfort、Normal和Sport三种工作模式,可针对悬挂的阻尼、转向系统和油门反应进行调整,以兼顾动感驾驭和行驶舒适性。新GTI更首度搭载XDS电子式限滑差速器,搭配ESP电子稳定控制系统,循迹性能和动态反应将得到更大提升。

车头采用与1976年款GTI相呼应的经典设计,第六代Golf GTI的鬼面罩拥有两道鲜明的红色饰条,而第五代GTI所采用的蜂巢状格栅,也会延续至第六代GTI的身上。而与第六代Golf相比,第六代GTI的头灯和雾灯组也有所不同;但新GTI的车身侧面却并未如第五代车型般采用大片的塑料裙脚,仅采用面积较小的裙脚设计略为点缀。18寸经典造型轮圈则是沿用上代车型的设计,黑色烤漆镶边的银色铝合金轮圈,让人不禁回想起GTI W12 650概念车的惊人气势。

新Golf GTI还采用了黑魂风格尾灯组;顶置式尾扰流器以及底盘整流器也为新GTI提供足够的下压力,以提升高速行驶下的稳定性;左右双出式排气管也充分强调其运动性能。方向盘换上Volkswagen家族新款的三幅式设计,方向盘被削平底部还嵌入专属的GTI铭牌,格纹式织布座椅同样成为新GTI的车厢焦点。此外在仪表板和车厢饰板设计上,新GTI也具有独到的运动气息。

2010款第六代大众Golf GTI最快会在明年第二季正式推出市场,预计新车仍会以进口车形式引入大陆市场。

 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-28 07:52 | 显示全部楼层

Sharply and sovereign - the new Golf GTI

Best-seller with optima: 239 km/h, 210 HP, 7.5 litres Wolfsburg, 25 September 2008 - between the debut first and the discharge of the fifth generation made more than 1.7 million buyer the GTI the world best-seller. Now the new one stands in the starting hole: On of Paris the engine show (4 until 19 October 2008) Volkswagen presents the study to new gulf of the GTI in a world premiere. The GTI chassis with new electronic transverse barrier (XDS) redefines curves and traction completely. 239 km/h a fast GTI, with its 155 KW/210 HP still more fun makes strong turbo engine for which and on the average only 7.5 litres used up. In the spring 2009 the sixth gulf GTI will go into series - as used with a singular connection out of sporty chassis and agilem engine. Already with 1.800 rpm the engine develops a maximum torque of 280 Newtonmeters. After 7.2 seconds is carried out the Sprint of 0 to 100 km/h. Only with 239 km/h a Patt between air resistance and achievement prevails. By 22 millimeters below put and with a new sport chassis equipped, feathers/springs, absorbers and the rear stabilizers of the study were completely again co-ordinated. Beyond that also for the future GTI as optional feature the adaptive chassis regulation DCC will be available. „We wanted a consistently clear GTI Design, a car, which Kraft, but evenly also Stil" has; , it brings the chief designer Volkswagen AG, walter de'Silva, on the point. Into of Paris study shown of the sixth generation lets merge now style elements of these two GTI icons. The GTI V contributes details like the typically wabenförmigen radiator grilles and the V-shaped one and to hood which is enough over the headlights. The clear, horizontal adjustment meanwhile decreases/goes back clearly to the GTI I. By this style means as well as the horizontal basic diagram of the front portion the gulf GTI study works optically more broadly (1,78 meters), more deeply (1.47 meters) and more dynamically than every other car of this class.
发表于 2008-9-28 16:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-9-28 20:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-9-28 21:26 | 显示全部楼层




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